(This Blog is dedicated to my beloved father Sh. GOVIND RAM)

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Monday, March 3, 2008


Diverticulosis is a condition of the colon, in which the muscular wall gives way in places and allows the mucous membrane lining the large intestine to form pouches. These pouches are known as diverticula, a name which comes from the word "diverted". They become lodging places for decaying particles of food or faecal matter The disease by itself is of no consequence. Sometimes, however, diverticula become inflamed, as they do not have muscles in their walls and cannot empty themselves. This condition is known as diverticulitis. The disease is usually established by means of x-rays.

Symptoms ::

The main symptoms of diverticulitis are pain in the left lower side of the abdomen, diarrhoea or constipation or alteration of the two, and bleeding. Attacks may recur over a long time.

Severe complications may arise from the tendency of obstructed diverticula to perforate and thus give rise to peri-colic abcess, peritonitis or fistula to bladder, vagina or other parts of the guts. Inflammatory masses may form and may result in obstructive symptoms which closely resemble carcinoma of the colon. Such complications may require surgical treatment.

Treatment ::

Modern medical system in most cases prescribes surgery to remove the diverticula. But the surgical removal of old diverticula does not prevent the formation of new ones. The best way to treat the disease is through natural methods. The treatment should aim at improving digestion, decreasing gas formation, building stronger intestinal walls to resist the formation of diverticula and relieving stress to avoid tension building up in the body.

Diet plays an important role in this treatment. The emphasis should be on high roughage diet consisting of seeds, nuts and whole grains, vegetables and fruits. Seeds may be consumed in the sprouted form.

"A stay at any naturopathy hospital, expert doctors on naturopathy and yoga treat you with natural foods, yoga and your daily schedule during your stay". Below is an example of daily routine at naturopathy hospital.

The Schedule ::

Time Activity

5 AM -5. 15 AM Morning wake up with Tanasan, Relaxation, Holy & Healthy creative auto suggestion.

5. 15 -6.45 AM Meditation, Prayer, Amritvani, Jalneti, Walking therapy, Kunjal, Dhouti, Basti and THERAPY as required (according to ailment)

6. 45 -7. 00 AM Lemon Juice, Honey and water or Methi and water.

7. 00 -8. 30 AM Yoga

8. 30 -9. 00 AM Swasthya Sadhak's Breakfast, with Juice or Fruit therapy

9.00- 11.30AM Treatment for ailment / Rejuvenation (various therapies)

11. 30-12. 30PM Lunch - Vitalizing food therapy

12. 30 -2. 30PM Relaxation (body, speech and mind), silent relaxed awareness

2. 30 -3. 00PM Fruits or Juice Therapy

3. 00 -6. 45PM Treatment for ailment / Rejuvenation Juice of Fruit Therapy

6. 45PM- 7.45PM Dinner - Treatment or Vitalizing food Therapy

7.45 PM-8.00PM After dinner vajrasan or slow walking or Relaxation

8.00- 10.00PM Group Therapy - (satsang or group dsicussion or self awareness

10.00PM Go to bed with noble spiritual silence

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